What is Mental Wellbeing – Mental wellbeing is how we respond to life’s ups and downs. In this simple mental- wellbeing definition lies deeper meaning and implication for our lives. It includes how a person thinks, handles emotion, and acts.
What is Mental Wellbeing
Mental health care and treatment :
In the context of national efforts to strengthen mental health, it is vital to not only protect and promote the mental well-being of all, but also to address the needs of people with mental health conditions.
This should be done through community-based mental health care, which is more accessible and acceptable than institutional care, helps prevent human rights violations and delivers better recovery outcomes for people with mental health conditions. Community-based mental health care should be provided through a network of interrelated services that comprise:
mental health services that are integrated in general health care, typically in general hospitals and through task-sharing with non-specialist care providers in primary health care;
community mental health -services that may involve community mental health centers and teams, psychosocial rehabilitation, peer support services and supported living services; and
services that deliver mental health care in social services and non-health settings, such as child protection, school health services, and prisons.
The vast care gap for common mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety means countries must also find innovative ways to diversify and scale up care for these conditions, for example through non-specialist psychological counselling or digital self-help..
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